Friday, July 18, 2008

Kaylee lost a tooth!
Her daddy pulled it. They had a moment last night. Kaylee was sobbing. I thought Brent may have pulled it before it was ready. But after a little inquiry, I decided Kaylee just hadn't made up her mind that it was time for her tooth to come out. She is so much like me.
Even down to trying to control the moment that her tooth falls out.
It is so much fun to see her personality grow and devlop.

The tooth fairy box.
Far better than under the pillow, easier for the tooth fairy to find!

Kaylee decided to leave the tooth fairy a note. She has always been a little concerned about how she gets in and what she looks like. And she wants to know if she will touch her.
Again just like me....overthinking and worrying.

Kaylee's letter to the tooth fairy.
It reads: I hope you like the gift.
I hope I get to see you one day. I love you.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Beauty Shop Night

After our Haircuts

And of course Mani & Pedi for all!

This was actually quite a pleasant way to cut the girls hair, without screaming!
Would you call it a trick or a mommy secret? SHHH!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

What a Blessing!

Kaylee and Me

A moment to giggle Sunday afternoon alone with Kaylee.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kiss those that you love today and don't forget how blessed we are. Even in our times of trial we should seek out our blessings and share them we each other.

May this video be a blessing to you. It certainly was for me.

Ashdown High School
Alumni Dinner
Sept 27

Time has flown by and we are preparing for another Alumni Dinner on
Sept. 27th at the new Ashdown High School Cafeteria. The doors will
open at 4:30 for visiting and dinner will be served at 6:00. Mrs. Helen
Parker will be our honored guest this year. So, plan to spend some time
with her to reminisce.
Tickets are $15 a person. This includes Alumni dues for the coming
year. By popular request, you will be able to purchase a whole table
seating 8. You and all your friends can be seated together.
To purchase a table designate a single contact person to collect money
and names for each table. The table(s) will be reserved when the money is
turned in to Diane McLarty. Make checks to the Ashdown Alumni
Association and mail it to Ashdown Alumni Association, PO Box 862,
Ashdown, AR 71822.
As promised last year, Charter members may purchase tickets
beginning July 28th at 4:00. Non-charter members can purchase tickets
beginning August 4th. Tickets can be purchased from Dinner Committee
There will be a few more tickets than last year, but please don’t wait until
the deadline of Sept. 15th. We sold out last year in the first two weeks. I
look forward to seeing each of you this year. We have all indications that
there will be a big crowd to honor Helen and lots of fun.
This information is from my mother. She is a part of
the alumni commitee.
Please contact me or her if you are planning to attend.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

She's Here!

Susanna Caroline
7 pounds 9 ounces
19 1/4"

Monday, November 19, 2007

ABC's of Thanksgiving

My list is from Kaylee.

A- Alphabet "Or we wouldn't have names."
B- Bible "If we didn't have the Bible, we wouldn't have Bible stories."
C- Chloe "Cause without Chloe, I'd be bored all the time."
D- Daddy "If we didn't have daddy in the winter, we wouldn't have any fires."
E- Earth "We wouldn't live if we didn't have the earth."
F- Fruit "I'm thankful for fruit, cause it's yummy."
G- God "I'm thankful for God because we wouldn't be on the earth if it wasn't for God."
H- House "Cause I wouldn't be able to sleep without it."
I- Ice "I'm thankful for ice because, without it I wouldn't be able to play with icicles."
J- Jessica "If I didn't have Jessica, I wouldn't have a best friend."
K- KiKi "Her real name is Keisandria, but you can put KiKi. I'm thankful for KiKi cause she is my closest, best friend."
L- Lauren "My sister wouldn't be happy if she didn't have Lauren."
M- Makeup "If I didn't have makeup I would be mad."
N- November "I'm thankful for November because we have Thanksgiving in November."
O- October "I'm thankful for October because we wouldn't have candy without Halloween."
P- Pizza "I'm thankful for pizza because without it I wouldn't know what pepperonis are for."
Q- Quarter "I'm thankful for quarters because without them we wouldn't have many dollars."
R- Race cars "If we didn't have race cars, I wouldn't be happy."
S- Song "I'm thankful for Bible songs."
T- Tarantulas "I like tarantulas because they eat other bugs and I've never been bitten by one. They only bite you if you make them mad."
U- Umbrellas "If we didn't have umbrellas we couldn't keep ourselves out of the rain."
V- Vacation "If I didn't have vacations, I wouldn't be happy."
W- Water "I'm thankful for water cause nobody would live if we didn't have water."
X- Six "If we didn't have the number six, I wouldn't be six." (I know we cheated here, but I told her if it just had the letter X in the word it was alright.)
Y- Yo yo "I just love yo yos. But, I'm not really good at them."
Z- Ziploc bags "If we didn't have Ziploc bags we wouldn't be able to hold many things."

I loved doing this with Kaylee. She hardly hesitated each time to think of something that she is thankful for. And she kept wanting to add more items to her list.
I am thankful that she is learning to value and count her blessings. I am thankful that Kaylee is so thankful!